Kindle Deal - 99p 99c
This week, my novella, Mr. Finch - A Hanging Protocol, has been selected for an Amazon Countdown Deal. This means it has has been reduced to the lowest price you can expect to buy it for - 99p 99c.

NINE PEOPLE - ONE EXECUTION - NINE MINUTES YOU WILL BE TAKEN TO A PLACE OF EXECUTION AND THERE BE HANGED BY THE NECK UNTIL YOU ARE DEAD. DO YOU HAVE THE STOMACH TO SEE IT THROUGH? On the day of reckoning, when the scales of justice are balanced, there can only be one way out. No one gets to cheat the hangman in this gripping blow by blow account of a judicial execution which will take the reader into the minds of nine people and their experiences on April 15th, 1952 - The day one man pays the ultimate price for a life he can never bring back. Experience the rawness of what was meant to have been kept hidden from our eyes.

'Damian North is fast becoming the master story-teller of his age." Peter Arditti "A gripping read... be prepared to lose some sleep!" Dianne Moore