Paperback Proofs Arrived
I arrived home this morning to find the proof-copies of my novel in the post. As a writer it doesn’t get much better than this.

After many months, actually, after nearly a year and half, of early starts and late evenings working away on the script, I’m able to hold a physical copy of the book in my hands. (Paperback out Monday 29th April & already available on Kindle.)
Iris Murdoch once wrote; ‘Every book is the wreck of the perfect idea.’ The process of writing is the greatest joy in my life, and it has become my passion. What begins as a simple idea, thought out over many a walks, evolves over time with the pen and paper before being typed and then rewritten and edited. In the end you present to the world the best you can do, and for an indie-writer this can be daunting as you work without an agent, professional editors, proof-readers, advisors and publishing house. Yet, what recent trends are slowly revealing is that Indie-Writers are becoming the raw face of great writing.
Over the weekend, my book came in at number 34 on listings for Kindle downloads, which is brilliant.

Plus the first review came in from a reader….

Looking a good rollercoaster of a read this Easter? Why not begin by reading book one in the Trilogy; Pontifex Maximus: Now the end begins. From what I’ve heard, you’ll not be disappointed.

Until next time…