Kindle Deal - 99p 99c
This week, my novella, Mr. Finch - A Hanging Protocol, has been selected for an Amazon Countdown Deal. This means it has has been reduced...

Book Trailer 1
This is the book trailer for Pontifex Maximus I - Now The End Begins. It is the first book in the trilogy and it was published back in...

Paperback Proofs Arrived
I arrived home this morning to find the proof-copies of my novel in the post. As a writer it doesn’t get much better than this. After...

Top 100 - Amazon Uk
Pontifex Maximus: The Father of Fathers As an indie-author I couldn't ask for much more than this. On day one of its release, Pontifex...

A Little Taster For The Weekend
Here’s the blurb from the back of my book. A little something to wet the appetite. Out this coming Friday, 19th April 2019. Enjoy.

The Sequel - 19th April 2019
Pontifex Maximus II The Father of Fathers. So here we have it guys… My new book cover for the second book in the Pontifex Maximus...